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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Interview with Kiro

1. Do you plan DJSets in other countries? If yes, tell us where?
K. : We are working on it :D So let's wait and see! ♥
2. Why do you organize DJ Sets exactly with Shin? Why not with Strify?
K. : I think we are a nice duo! We decided to do it together! And I really like it to work with him!
3. What can you say are you optimist or pessimist?
K. : Sometimes I am a optimist and sometimes I am a pessimist, it really depends on...
4. Why are you called now KIROYALL ? It’s something special?
K.: I just had that name in my mind long time ago! It is still Kiro, but a grown up version ;D
5. Tell us 3 songs which you’re listen to recently?
K.: I love Medina, I listen her very often! My fave song from her at the moment is 'Gutter'
6. 3 words which you associate with Russia?
K.: Fun, Wodka, great energy
7. Moscow & St. Petersburg. Which town is more comfortable for you?
K.: Both cities are too different! I like both, St.Peter is more european-like and moscow more russian-like, I really like both! Can't decide
8. Your favorite cartoon hero and why?
K.: I like Vegeta from Dragonball, it was my favourite and of course Sailor Moon ;D strange couple I guess!
9. What do you appreciate in the friendship?
K.: Trust, love and passion
10. Carsten, Kiro, KIROYALL. Which part of your life do you like most?
K.: ALL! I changed a lot, that was the reason for KIROYALL! I am now who am now! Everybody changes trough the whole life, it's normal, just development
11. Would you like to take part in some reality show? If yes, what it should be?
K.: I never think about that, good question...hmmm I think no :D
12. If you would have an opportunity to take part in some movie whose character you would like to play act?
K.: I would love to play in a drama-movie with a lot of emotions ;D
13. How do you think, what people like in you at the first meet?
K.: I hope they like my kindness and that I am very openminded!
14. What do you appreciate in people most their looking or their inner word?
K.: Every human is the same, first you see the person, then you know the personality... for sure, the personality and the character is more important!
15. Do you believe in dreams which come true? Does it happen with you sometimes?
K.: Oh yes, sure I beliebe in this! The band was a dream and it came true, at the moment I realize a lot of my dreams and I am very happy!
16. What present was the most remarkable in your life?
K.: The people (family/friends) around me that I love very very much
17. On the social sites like Facebook, MySpace, VK … there are 1000 groups with titles “ Let’s return “CB” . What is your opinion to this? Don’t you think, that it’s disrespect to the decision of the band to work separately?
K.: Everything has a reason, you should never say never, destiny will come! I'm also excited what will happen in future!
18. What is your favorite song of Lady GAGA?
K.: At the moment, Judas
19. Without what your life wouldn't have sense?
K.: If my family, friends and my beloved ones wouldn't excist!
20. Some words 4 all your fans : I LOVE YOU ALL so much ;D THX for the great support u gave me the last months, I believe in you and in myself! Everything will be good and just perfect!

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